Crayola vs. Rose Art

August 24, 2010 at 9:38 am | Posted in Elementary Age, Preschoolers, Swell Products, Toddlers | 2 Comments

Who’s more washable? Not all art supplies are created equal. With the beginning of school, there is the infamous school supply list. Last year, my son’s list did not specify a brand of art supplies so I saved a few pennies and bought Rose Art markers. I have no other complaints about Rose Art (I can’t tell which lasts longer because my kids always forget to put the caps back on markers), but when his shirts (and him) came home with marker marks, a normal wash didn’t get the color out. My daughter’s list, however, specified Crayola. And when she came home with marker marks, they washed right off. I have been happy to see over and over again Crayola products (markers, crayon, paint) delivering on “Washability you can trust.” Now I really have no excuse for getting the crayon art off the walls in the kids’ room.


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  1. I just tried the Crayola finger paints yesterday and was *very* impressed with how easily they cleaned up. The washable paint wiped off the kids hands (and table) even more easily than the washable markers. Sheesh – why do they even bother making non-washable? 😉

  2. I’m a big fan of Crayola for the exact same reasons. Sometimes I feel like running around the school supply aisles and placing posters decrying Rose Arts “washable” statements. But I think they might think I’m a nutter and toss me to the curb.

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